
Client Personal Journey Stories

You should never measure your personal journey by someone else’s. However, it is always ok to be motivated by others.

Below you will find some of my clients telling their stories. Some of these clients have been with me for over a dozen years. Why? Because making your health and fitness a priority journey has no ending. Motivation comes in different forms and for my clients having a trainer is not a weakness but a luxury or simply a line item budget. When we put our health first, the rest of life’s challenges seem to become more manageable. Exercise and good eating habits help reduce cortisol stress hormones and increase happy serotonin hormones.

Client Success Stories


Dream it.

It all begins with a desire to find your best self. These are my legs. As your trainer I can help you find the legs you need to carry you into the goals you set for yourself. Then before you know it, you are my next success story.

Who will be the next client willing to share her story??



Dianne has been my trainer since 2009. It is important to note she was not my first trainer, but my first female and maybe that is why she may be my last. I am not giving her up. In this picture I am 6 months pregnant with my second daughter. I worked with Dianne in both my pregnancies and I trained right up to delivery day both times. Dianne reminds me that I am one her strongest clients and that size does not define fitness. My thyroid may affect my weight but not my determination.

We train 3-4 days a week together to keep me fit and strong. As the Charge Nurse at a very busy inner city hospital I must be healthy and strength has come in to help me many times. I also use my training to reduce my stress. Dianne reminds me to eat healthy and exercise my stress not eat badly and sit around and use stress as an excuse.

Trainer note: Jodee has inspired so many of my clients to work hard for health and not let the scale determine her worth. After more than a dozen years as my client, I call Jodee one of my closest friends and her kids call me Auntie Di.


I began training with Dianne over 12 years ago while going through divorce. I wanted a healthy focus for my mind and body. Working out with Dianne empowered me to better handle the tumultuous changes in my everyday life. Over the years, when I had difficulty finding my own inner strength, my time with Dianne provided a well of strength I could draw from. She somehow managed to convince me to get up before sunrise twice a week to work out - and my kids could tell you that is an impressive feat! In addition to being incredibly supportive, Dianne is exceptionally competent as a personal trainer and supports me in achieving my health and fitness goals. With her guidance, I recently walked a half marathon with my daughter - her first ever! And I am now preparing to run my first half marathon in almost 9 years. Dianne is a master trainer and a caring and supportive friend, and I highly recommend her. Two thumbs up, five stars.



I have been an athlete my whole life and in the world of construction . The demands of my schedule and position at my company got in the way and I let my health slip.
My lack of commitment to my health would take me into a challenging time in my life, 2018-2O19. A avid mountain biker I was severely injured in Annandale State park in 2018 which got me a ride in the life-flight helicopter. Broken up but not defeated after a year of rehab I started to get myself back . Then in 2019 , got hit with double pneumonia. At 59 I was wondering if I would celebrate 60. Shortly after that I had the pleasure of meeting Dianne. .
Dianne , slowly but surely started digging in on my history of trauma, my failed system , and conditioning challenges. She taught a bachelor how to eat clean to heal the body. My inflammation began to decrease, my sleep improved, my energy and spirits went up.
There is no quit in Dianne . She slowly educated me on diet needs, and even shopped with me . She encouraged my rebirth of who I was . She helped me set up a home gym and how to eat for my health from my truck, at a restaurant, or home cooking bachelor style.
I just listened , took her advice to heart and ran with it. I owe a lot to her. If you believe in her , you can’t go wrong , Thank you Dianne


Success is personal and takes many forms and follows several falls. Failure only happens when we refuse to get back up. I am here to help you get back up.

Dianne B Wagner. Trainer / Nutritionist / Coach


I met Dianne in October 2020. I was overweight, tired, and going through a divorce. Dianne opened my eyes about my nutrition and using food as fuel. She guided me into a high fat low carb diet paired with training. She made sure everything made sense to me and that I was making the best choices for my body. Now 5 months later I am proud to say I am 22lbs down and 4 dress sizes smaller! I feel strong and confident, Dianne taught me to cherish myself and my goals. She knows everyone has different paths, she customizes your workouts and nutrition to set you up for success. Dianne is not only my trainer but has become a close friend. I look forward to continuing my work with her and seeing where I end up in another 5 months!


Zoom Family Training

From Cait: I have never been one to seek out exercise.  I avoided working out. I was the epitome of the "I'll only run if I'm being chased" kind of mentality... Until my sister called one day, seeking Zoom workout buddies.  She lives on the East Coast while my mom and I live on the West Coast.  We somehow manage to coordinate schedules to find a common hour a few times a week for a “Family Hang Out".  

Dianne's approach is one of a friend and positive coaching.  She gently nudges you to do more, to add more weight or to add more reps until all of a sudden you surprise yourself with your abilities.  The combination of Dianne’s strength building, cardio and nutrition coaching has been life changing.  6 months into this adventure, I look forward to every workout and I am down 30 pounds and as strong as I have ever been!

Trainer Note: Mom Kris and daughters Cait and Lydia. Two time zones, three towns, one workout schedule. Who says Covid cant bring families together and fitness into a priority. This family rocks. Lydia trained all the way through her pregnancy, Cait has lost 30 pounds and Mom Kris has been able to improve her overall health and become more active. It has been a pleasure to bring this family together. When one of them misses class, we tape it and she makes it up later.



I met Dianne in 2013 when I was just beginning my commitment to my fitness journey. I’d been active most of my life, so it was surprising when I seemed to wake up one day after two kids and more sedentary lifestyle and couldn’t jog a quarter of a mile without my face turning beet red and my lungs about to burst. A friend of mine convinced me to join her at 24 Hour Fitness for a new class, so away we went. My new teacher, the one and only miss Dianne! From the moment I began she would be there to both put me at ease, push me when I needed it, guide me in fitness and health, and make me feel strong and empowered, no matter where I was in my journey! She helped me understand that it was truly MY journey she was helping me on. We’ve gone through classes, tried new eating habits, competed in a triathlon together, expressed hard moments and worked through them and have made a lasting friendship. Never once did she push me beyond what I was capable or willing to do. I never thought I would make it through all the burpees, push-ups, kettlebell swings, spin classes, and weight lifting. I never imagined would enter a triathlon, and much less with my trainer/empowering new woman friend. I thought I just wanted to feel comfortable in my clothes again, I didn’t realize I could feel so HAPPY in my skin again and have a lifetime friend to add with it. When I’ve fallen off the wagon, I’m never berated or scared to tell her because she is there with me in my journey and sees all I have to offer, not just the number on the scale or the jeans, she helps me see my strengths and capabilities. Dianne is always there helping me to see the best in myself, whether it be fitness, food or friendship I know I’ve got the best coach/mentor/friend in my corner!



I started working with Dianne to prepare for a triathlon. She not only inspired me to reach new cardio goals, she helped me overcome some bad eating habits. Back in 2016 Dianne, Katie and myself were some of the first to try Keto, before it was so popular. Together we gave up low fat eating and dove into high fat keto eating. I not only gave up my sugar cravings but I lost over 10 pounds of unwanted fat. Dianne kept me on track and accountable to my goals. She was such a team player that she did the tri with me. Her first, Katies first and my second. We had so much fun. Fitness became second too friendships. Many years later I find my fitness journey making all sorts of twists and turns to allow life of kids and work and husband to challenge my priorities, but my friendship with these ladies is still going strong. Fitness and friendships go together like health and happiness.



In January of 2018 I started working with Dianne Wagner. We have had an extraordinarily successful journey getting me to lose 60 pounds to become a much healthier person. I have been able to eliminate two medications from my daily routine. The first thing Dianne did was assess my physical condition, she then chatted with me regarding my eating habits and recommended I choose one of three different acting plans. She then expertly guided me in altering my eating routine and habits which helped me see almost immediate results from our efforts.

Dianne has the ability to gently correct your form to optimize the effectiveness of an exercise while encouraging you to increase your effort and output. Her broad knowledge of anatomy and types of exercises enables her to find the optimal exercise for the desired results. I have always been able to have her find another way to work a muscle group when her initial option was too difficult for me. She is an excellent listener and genuinely cares about her clients ́ physical and psychological wellbeing.



I met Dianne when I turned 70. We trained together for 3 years and I became stronger than ever before. How lucky that was, because at 73 I was diagnosed with Cancer. Dianne stayed by my side through the hardest parts of that journey. The doctors told me I would die. Lucky for me I had Dianne’s nutritional advice to fight the cancer and her support. Plus because of all the time we spent in the gym my body was ready to fight. At 75 I am proud to say I am cancer free. Dianne is not only my coach and my trainer but she is my friend. I am so thankful for all she has done for my health.



Dianne has been my fitness trainer since 2015. When I first met her and took the discounted package of training sessions, I had previously never worked out regularly.  We still laugh about my first attempt at a squat.  When it came to buying additional training, I was concerned about the cost.  However, it only took a few minutes to realize that good health is the most important asset you can have as you age, and I could surely give up a few extra trips to Starbucks!  It was, and still is, a question of priorities.  The reason I continue my training journey with Dianne is:  1.  It’s never the same routine, so never boring!  2.  Dianne provides a holistic approach by including expert nutritional support and advice.  3.  The workouts are gradually more challenging (something I would never be able to do myself).  4.  She is constantly checking my form, so I can avoid injury and I know am getting the most benefit from every session  5.  She keeps me committed and enthusiastic.  I know myself well enough now that I need her to keep me accountable.  It is always a real pleasure to workout with Dianne whether in the pool or in the gym.



Dianne and I have worked together for 8 years and counting. I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis ) and my exercise slows the disease. As a retired military person I have a strong desire to beat this disease, or at least slow it down. Dianne is in my corner for coaching me and encouraging me to push my body past what was normal for a women over sixty with MS. She even gives me homework to do on days we do not meet.

We cried together, laughed and pushed until I was the talk of the VA doctors office. Her work was so impressive that the VA pays for my training with her. We meet 2-3 days a week and every workout is challenging but achievable and every workout is different. I never get bored or even know what to expect. These constant changes keep my balance and strength a priority. Plus she gives me nutrition help to make sure I have the proper fuel to fight inflammation, joint pain and keep my legs strong. I am so thankful for all Dianne has done to coach me.



I am a retired police officer with many damaged body parts. Two knee replacements, two shoulder surgeries, and a bad hip. None of this stopped Dianne from helping me keep moving. She has been great at adapting my workouts around how I feel that day.

She has also helped me with some personal stress and helped me become less of a stress eater. She and I joked about my love of See’s Candy but even though I would cheat and eat it some I learned from her the damage the sugar was doing to my body. She never judged me for my candy eating and so I always felt safe telling her when I messed up. Eventually I learned to find other ways to satisfy my desire for sweets. I am so thankful for the many years of dedication she has given to my body and my spirit.

 Make this the day you put your health and fitness goals above all other goals. Contact Dianne at to sign up for a consultation.